I'm so tired of people complaining about money. It seems that that is all anyone does is complain and complain and complain. well, why don't they find something to do with out money, and you won't have to complain about it. What a great idea.
So here I have for you a full explanation and list of what you can do at Disney, of all places, for absolutely free. No thanks needed.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The history of Subway Franchise
Have you ever wanted to know the full and complete history of Subway stores? Of course you have, don't lie. Click on the below link and enjoy!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Walking Across pinellas County VII
So there I was....stranded, a dead phone, a long way from home, and no way to get a hold of my friend who's going to get me a ride. The adventure continues, and it was looking more and more like a lot more rain...and a lot more adventure.
I continued to walk and going North West. I arrived across the street of Meadow Lawn Middle school (6050 16th Street N St Petersburg, FL) where there was a beauty school. It always amazes me the lack of want and effort people put forth to help our fellow man anymore. I walked into a Beauty school across the street of Meadowlawn Middle right there on 16th street, and I politely asked if I could use their phone to call my friend. Let me remind you that I was wearing a suit when I walked into this establishment.
When I walked in there was a lot of people doing hair, and it was nice to see that everyone were being so creative. As stood in the doorway of the hairstylist location, they all just looked at me, and went back to their hair. Even the customer's friends didn't want anything to do with me. the director finally walked in and I asked her if I could use her phone.
After 5 minutes standing in the cold ac and being gawked at by the customer and non-customers, the lady in a very nasty tone told me that I was not going to use her phone. Not that I was not allowed but "You're not going to use the phone." I knew that I wasn't allowed, but that's rude.
I walked next 7 blocks asking various people if I could use their phone and routinely rec'd a no answer. A limo driver, a insurance broker, a nice lady in a suit, and even a older man in a pick up truck....all of them said no. People along the road, men with kids, women with husbands out for a stroll all leery about letting this guy with a suit use their phone for 2 seconds.
I told every one: I'm walking to Dunedin, a known 30 miles, and I need to call my friend to let her know where I am. Can I please your phone. The answers were as varied as the people, but all no!!!
So, I walked on.......
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
I continued to walk and going North West. I arrived across the street of Meadow Lawn Middle school (6050 16th Street N St Petersburg, FL) where there was a beauty school. It always amazes me the lack of want and effort people put forth to help our fellow man anymore. I walked into a Beauty school across the street of Meadowlawn Middle right there on 16th street, and I politely asked if I could use their phone to call my friend. Let me remind you that I was wearing a suit when I walked into this establishment.
When I walked in there was a lot of people doing hair, and it was nice to see that everyone were being so creative. As stood in the doorway of the hairstylist location, they all just looked at me, and went back to their hair. Even the customer's friends didn't want anything to do with me. the director finally walked in and I asked her if I could use her phone.
After 5 minutes standing in the cold ac and being gawked at by the customer and non-customers, the lady in a very nasty tone told me that I was not going to use her phone. Not that I was not allowed but "You're not going to use the phone." I knew that I wasn't allowed, but that's rude.
I walked next 7 blocks asking various people if I could use their phone and routinely rec'd a no answer. A limo driver, a insurance broker, a nice lady in a suit, and even a older man in a pick up truck....all of them said no. People along the road, men with kids, women with husbands out for a stroll all leery about letting this guy with a suit use their phone for 2 seconds.
I told every one: I'm walking to Dunedin, a known 30 miles, and I need to call my friend to let her know where I am. Can I please your phone. The answers were as varied as the people, but all no!!!
So, I walked on.......
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
Walking Across pinellas County VI
Somebody? No...something.
But before we get into that, we have to cover a few items. I knew there might be a problem with a ride so I knew I needed to charge my phone to the utmost. I can get a good 2 days on one charge. My phone was charged completely, and I left the house. I made my first phone call at 10am, and all battery life was well. By the time I got to the Lyceum, a full 15 minutes later - battery was still full.
I got to the house a mere 2 minutes after I arrived at the Lyceum. It is a known fact in the spirit world culture that in order for a spirit to manifest it needs energy to do this. Me? I'd love to say paranormal phenomenon is new to me, but It isn't. It's a pretty normal thing in my world and always has been. From the moment I can remember, I have seen weird things and weird things have happened to me.
Back tot he hand. I felt someone looking at me, and then I felt the hand. There was no one there and when I was freezing cold, but I'm in the summer of Florida where it's 90 degrees and the rain is pouring down with humidity. The freezing feeling went away, and then I was alone. I opened up my phone, and the battery was dead. I quickly wrote down my friends number on some court paperwork and the phone was gone.
Now I'm in downtown St. Petersburg, no phone, no way for my friend to get a hold of me after her appointment and I'm stuck 30 miles away from home. ......
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
But before we get into that, we have to cover a few items. I knew there might be a problem with a ride so I knew I needed to charge my phone to the utmost. I can get a good 2 days on one charge. My phone was charged completely, and I left the house. I made my first phone call at 10am, and all battery life was well. By the time I got to the Lyceum, a full 15 minutes later - battery was still full.
I got to the house a mere 2 minutes after I arrived at the Lyceum. It is a known fact in the spirit world culture that in order for a spirit to manifest it needs energy to do this. Me? I'd love to say paranormal phenomenon is new to me, but It isn't. It's a pretty normal thing in my world and always has been. From the moment I can remember, I have seen weird things and weird things have happened to me.
Back tot he hand. I felt someone looking at me, and then I felt the hand. There was no one there and when I was freezing cold, but I'm in the summer of Florida where it's 90 degrees and the rain is pouring down with humidity. The freezing feeling went away, and then I was alone. I opened up my phone, and the battery was dead. I quickly wrote down my friends number on some court paperwork and the phone was gone.
Now I'm in downtown St. Petersburg, no phone, no way for my friend to get a hold of me after her appointment and I'm stuck 30 miles away from home. ......
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
Walking Across pinellas County V
I spun around the Lyceum and walked down 5th ave a bit. Suddenly the clouds opened up, and I didn't know it at the time, rain was going to be more and more a part of my life. I saw an older house that was vacant and for rent that had a porch. I ran up onto the porch, and tried to stay dry.
As I stood watching the rain pour down in sheets, I couldn't help but think pof Thoreau. Since Emerson was previously on my mind a block ago, Thoreau was the logical next person. Thoreau was Emerson's student of Transcendetalism, and then went onto writing the bible of meditation and transcendentalsim - Walden. To understand Thoreau's writing and his ideas better please read: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1456806/a_further_understanding_of_thoreaus.html?cat=4
At this same time I felt a hand on my shoulder....
As I stood watching the rain pour down in sheets, I couldn't help but think pof Thoreau. Since Emerson was previously on my mind a block ago, Thoreau was the logical next person. Thoreau was Emerson's student of Transcendetalism, and then went onto writing the bible of meditation and transcendentalsim - Walden. To understand Thoreau's writing and his ideas better please read: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1456806/a_further_understanding_of_thoreaus.html?cat=4
At this same time I felt a hand on my shoulder....
Walking Across pinellas County IV
I continued my way around the lake, and across the street to the famous Lyceum. A lyceum was where people would come and listen to people talk back in the day. Where we have TV and movies, they had people to speak. It was not unnatural for people to show up a Lyceum and listen to the great orators of the day for hours. In fact, there is a story about Pres. Lincoln and the Gentleman he was running against actually talked for 4 hours with a break for dinner at 6:00pm. this type of listening ability is almost unheard of today.
After seeing the lyceum, my mind began to wonder to Ralph Waldo Emerson and Transcendentalism. Ralph Waldo Emerson went on a speaking tour through out the US, and it is rumored he made it down to St. Petersburg in the mid 1800's. I sat looking at the Lyceum in front of me and Mirror Lake behind me, and it put everything into a surreal mood. Can we really imagine someone as important as Emerson entertaining 1000 people as he spoke about the wonders of transcendentalism? I don't think we can.
For more info on Transcendentalism see: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1437888/lessons_ontranscendentalism.html
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
After seeing the lyceum, my mind began to wonder to Ralph Waldo Emerson and Transcendentalism. Ralph Waldo Emerson went on a speaking tour through out the US, and it is rumored he made it down to St. Petersburg in the mid 1800's. I sat looking at the Lyceum in front of me and Mirror Lake behind me, and it put everything into a surreal mood. Can we really imagine someone as important as Emerson entertaining 1000 people as he spoke about the wonders of transcendentalism? I don't think we can.
For more info on Transcendentalism see: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1437888/lessons_ontranscendentalism.html
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
Walking Across Pinellas County III

As I began my trek, I crossed the street and began walking around Mirror lake. I knew if I continued to go North West, I'd be continually going the right way. As he circled the lake, I could help but notice perfect harmony right there on Mirror Lake in St. Petersburg, Fl.
A gentleman was relaxing int he grass, and it was obvious he was sitting in his front yard, and his house of boxes and blankets were behind him. I greeted him as I walked, and he made no acknowledgment of my existence. I can't say I blame him since many of the St. Petersburg residence do not enjoy his style of living. Many people have tried to stop this type of actions, so him not being receptive was not surprising. But his friend was surprising - A beautiful white crane.
The white crane was hunting in the lake, and walked up to him. the gentleman was holding a gingham umbrella and the crane came up to the umbrella and pecked at it. As he did this,. the man seemed to know what was needed. he reached down and tossed a lizard on the ground. I don't know where he got it, or if they were alive or not, but this crane walked over and ate it. Two people living in the wild, and helping each other out in the middle of St. petersburg, Fl.
I couldn't help but smile as the wind blew, and the drops fell from the sky.
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
Walking across Pinellas County II
The walk began at 545 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, fl. This is the pinellas county court house, where I had to be in order to plea a case on weird crazy charges that had nothing to do with me. Upon walking out I rang my good friend for a ride home.
Her response was that she wouldn't be able to get a car till Noon, since she had a doctor's appointment. This was fine and understandable, and the small walk I had in mind would do me good. My assumed walking route would be a few miles till my friend could get out of her appointment, and it would be nice to take the glorious fresh air, and the sites of downtown St. Petersburg, Fl.
Ahhh...down town St. Petersburg Fl. The place where the first passenger plane was flown, the meeting place of the rich and famous and snow bird alike in the 20's. The people who called St. Pete a haven is a who's who of famous and not-so famous people. Some came to St. Petersburg, fl for the oranges, some for the sun, and others for the ambiance of the day. St. Petersburg was a hustling bustling hub of activity in the day, now it still hustles and bustles; but not full of tourists and the rich. like most of the world, the rich get bored easily and they are off to another part of the world. And the tourists, they're still around; they just busy themselves elsewhere most of the time, or close themselves up in the a/c.
The first steps were trekked past the monumental and historic....St. petersburg, Mirror Lake.....
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
Her response was that she wouldn't be able to get a car till Noon, since she had a doctor's appointment. This was fine and understandable, and the small walk I had in mind would do me good. My assumed walking route would be a few miles till my friend could get out of her appointment, and it would be nice to take the glorious fresh air, and the sites of downtown St. Petersburg, Fl.
Ahhh...down town St. Petersburg Fl. The place where the first passenger plane was flown, the meeting place of the rich and famous and snow bird alike in the 20's. The people who called St. Pete a haven is a who's who of famous and not-so famous people. Some came to St. Petersburg, fl for the oranges, some for the sun, and others for the ambiance of the day. St. Petersburg was a hustling bustling hub of activity in the day, now it still hustles and bustles; but not full of tourists and the rich. like most of the world, the rich get bored easily and they are off to another part of the world. And the tourists, they're still around; they just busy themselves elsewhere most of the time, or close themselves up in the a/c.
The first steps were trekked past the monumental and historic....St. petersburg, Mirror Lake.....
- Check out the whole saga from the beginning - http://crherman.blogspot.com/2009/07/walking-across-pinellas-county-i.html
Walking across Pinellas County I
This is the first post about an epic walk. A Walk across Pinellas county that many would say is insane, and would say just shouldn't have been done. Actually this walk could be something that anyone and everyone should do. The distance is phenomenal to some, and not much to others.
I propose that this walk was not just an average jaunt, but a walk into my own inner history. With the thoughts and knowledge that I gained from this, I hope that you yourself will take something from this and see that there are lessons, ideas, and people to meet that are beyond out own borders and bubbles.
This walk through pinellas caused me to push myself out of my comfort zone, if I ever had one. I had on a 3 piece suit - black suit jacket, black suit pants, white button down shirt, black and blue tie, torn socks, and dilapidated shoes. This is not the walking gear that I was wanting in any way shape or form.
I had on me a pen, a stack of papers, sunglasses (never worn), a dead cell phone, my wallet with no money, and 7 mints.
I propose that this walk was not just an average jaunt, but a walk into my own inner history. With the thoughts and knowledge that I gained from this, I hope that you yourself will take something from this and see that there are lessons, ideas, and people to meet that are beyond out own borders and bubbles.
This walk through pinellas caused me to push myself out of my comfort zone, if I ever had one. I had on a 3 piece suit - black suit jacket, black suit pants, white button down shirt, black and blue tie, torn socks, and dilapidated shoes. This is not the walking gear that I was wanting in any way shape or form.
I had on me a pen, a stack of papers, sunglasses (never worn), a dead cell phone, my wallet with no money, and 7 mints.
Summer reading for us all
In the summer there are dozens of students that have summer reading. Oh the dreaded summer reading. Most students look at summer reading as hell; yet most agree that it was good when they were teenagers. Most of this summer reading is geared to a grade level, or a specific kind of book that the English department decided should be read and should be read outside of class. This kind of summer reading, will give you assignments and all sorts of nonsense.
I propose a summer reading all kids need to have. A group of summer reading books that help the students find themselves, see the world, as well as teaching some good morals and values. This is what summer reading should be about, not some nonsense novel that doesn't help you in any way except make you have enough knowledge to pass a test.
Please got to this link that point out a few book that will develop every student (aren't we all students of life)with their life.
I propose a summer reading all kids need to have. A group of summer reading books that help the students find themselves, see the world, as well as teaching some good morals and values. This is what summer reading should be about, not some nonsense novel that doesn't help you in any way except make you have enough knowledge to pass a test.
Please got to this link that point out a few book that will develop every student (aren't we all students of life)with their life.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
How to write lesson plans
It has been said that teaching is easy, but writing lesson plans are hard. Is this true? Well to quote one teacher," To write a lesson plan all you have to do is outline everything you're going to do in every minute of the class." Doesn't leave much for spontaneity does it?
Well, I propose that lesson plan writing can and should be easy. But what if lesson plan writing isn't what you need. Lesson plan writing is always what you need, you just don't realize it. You don't need to be a teacher to write lesson plans. If you are going to teach someone something, tell them something, or even just create a way for someone to understand something better. You better have something written down, or at least some notes or it's going to sound something like this:
First you do A. Then you do B. After B, you have to check C. Oh, wait, that's right you need to also look at G,H,I. But, A is the best thing to do first. If you are confused by this little statement, this is what your student has just heard...because they don't know anything of what you're talking about and those "important" ideas might have well as been A, B, C.
This article is to help everyone write lesson plans better:
Well, I propose that lesson plan writing can and should be easy. But what if lesson plan writing isn't what you need. Lesson plan writing is always what you need, you just don't realize it. You don't need to be a teacher to write lesson plans. If you are going to teach someone something, tell them something, or even just create a way for someone to understand something better. You better have something written down, or at least some notes or it's going to sound something like this:
First you do A. Then you do B. After B, you have to check C. Oh, wait, that's right you need to also look at G,H,I. But, A is the best thing to do first. If you are confused by this little statement, this is what your student has just heard...because they don't know anything of what you're talking about and those "important" ideas might have well as been A, B, C.
This article is to help everyone write lesson plans better:
Go watch the sunset in pinellas county
Ahhhh the west coast of Florida. The west coast of Florida is probably one of the best areas in the state of Florida. The west coast of Florida is so diverse, that depending on where you are depends on what culture you're in. To make it even better, the West Coast of Florida is where one of the major metropolitan cities of the state of Florida - Tampa and across the bay St. Petersburg. St. petersburg, Florida is in the beautiful pinellas county.
Because the gulf is so expansive, and Pinellas county is right on the Gulf - the sunsets are something else. There are a myriad of ways, places, and experiences you can have in Pinellas county while watching the sunset. To just name a few - you can be on a boat, a beach, a preserve, or on a bridge. No matter how you decide to celebrate the end of the day, the sun departing, and the night beginning - you now know some of the best places to do it because of the link below.
Because the gulf is so expansive, and Pinellas county is right on the Gulf - the sunsets are something else. There are a myriad of ways, places, and experiences you can have in Pinellas county while watching the sunset. To just name a few - you can be on a boat, a beach, a preserve, or on a bridge. No matter how you decide to celebrate the end of the day, the sun departing, and the night beginning - you now know some of the best places to do it because of the link below.
What July 4th is all about...and why not?
What is July 4th? In dependence day! Independence from what? England, of course. But way back in 1776, what happened on July 4th? Some rich white men signed a document that was written by a no name, lesser known gentleman, and then they put the document into the mail. this is equal to a group of Beverly Hills rich getting around to decided they are going to write a letter, and then 200 years latter everyone celebrates them doing this.
This day was not that big of a dela, the real power of the day is what it symbolicly meant. Remember, by wriuting that Declaration - these men commited treason against their country. that type of pride, is something that is just phenomenal! Let's remember that!
For more info on this please go to :
This day was not that big of a dela, the real power of the day is what it symbolicly meant. Remember, by wriuting that Declaration - these men commited treason against their country. that type of pride, is something that is just phenomenal! Let's remember that!
For more info on this please go to :
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