As I was adding things to Craigs list a pecuilar thing happened to me, I got inspired.
Each time I put in a piece to sell, which is a lot by the way for anyone who wants to look for stuff. But, as I did I realized that the secret codes were odd words put together rather than scrabled letters and numbers. So here I give you the secret codes I ran into from I thouhgt they were funny and I hope you do too. They're even poetic.
Diluted time
Paigins Pepped
British rules
Thinness Sity
Dancers Wiriness
62:200 Glossier
What of these were code words to the next world war, like the crosswords of 1945. Wouldn't it be interesting?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Blue Mountain Greeting Card writer's Guidelines
I had to send away for these, so I thought I'd share them with all the writers out there.These are the Blue Mountain writer's guidelines. These are the way to send and submit things to Blue Mountain Greeting Cards. The actual hyper link is I wish everyone luck!!! Writer's GuidelinesBlue Mountain Arts is interested in reviewing poetry and writings that would be appropriate for our greeting cards. 1. WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR: Contemporary prose or poetry written from personal experience that reflects the thoughts and feelings people today want to communicate to one another, but don't always know how to put into words. Because our cards capture genuine emotions on topics such as love, friendship, family, missing you, and other real-life subjects, we suggest that you have a friend, relative, or someone else in your life in mind as you write. Writings on special occasions (birthday, anniversary, congratulations, etc.), as well as the challenges, difficulties, and aspirations of life are also considered. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with our products prior to submitting material, but don't study them too hard. We are looking for new, original, and creative writings that do not sound like anything we have already published. 2. WHAT WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR: Rhymed poetry, religious verse, one-liners, or humor. Try to avoid frequently overused words and phrases, such as "special," "gift," "sending you a hug," "birthday wishes for you," and "angel." We receive a large number of submissions about mothers, sons, daughters, and love. For these themes, we only consider writings that are refreshing and unique or that express age-old sentiments in new and different ways. (Hint: Avoid lines like "You were always there for me," "I remember when you were a baby," "I am so proud of you," or "You are my dream come true.") 3. POSTAL SUBMISSIONS: Send to Blue Mountain Arts Editorial Department, P. O. Box 1007, Boulder, CO 80306. Work should be typewritten; one poem per page please. Your name should appear on every page. You may submit as many poems at one time as you wish. If you would like a response and/or to have your work returned, you must enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) of adequate size, with the correct postage. Be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number with your submission, and please keep us informed of all address and telephone number changes. Include your e-mail address if you wish to receive periodic e-mail updates of our current needs. 4. E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS: Send to PLEASE DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS OR WEBSITE LINKS. You may submit as many different works as you wish all in the same e-mail. Type or paste the text of your work(s) into the body of the e-mail. Be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number. E-mail submissions will receive a reply within 1-2 weeks as receipt of your submission. If you do not hear from us again within 4 months, you can assume that your work is no longer under consideration. 5. SUBMISSIONS SELECTED FOR FURTHER REVIEW will receive a response by postal mail within 2 to 4 months. We are unable to respond to e-mail submissions that are not chosen for further review. 6. PAYMENT: We pay $300 per poem for the worldwide, exclusive rights to publish it on a greeting card and other products, and $50 per poem for one-time use in a book. Publication procedures will be explained in detail prior to actually publishing your work. 7. QUESTIONS concerning your submission can be sent to Blue Mountain Arts Editorial Department, P. O. Box 1007, Boulder, CO 80306, or you can e-mail us at Please do not telephone. 8. COPYRIGHT: Your work need not be copyrighted prior to submission. For information on how to apply for a copyright, please contact the United States Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20559. 9. SUBMISSIONS FROM OUTSIDE THE U.S. are accepted, but only in the English language. 10. SEASONAL POETRY SUBMISSION DATES: We welcome material for the following holidays. Submissions received after the dates shown may be held for review until the following year. Christmas & General Holiday: August 10 Valentine's Day: October 12 Easter: January 1 Mother's Day: January 26 Father's Day: March 9 | ||||
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Copyright © 2009 Blue Mountain Arts. All rights reserved. Blue Mountain, Blue Mountain Arts, and the Blue Mountain logo are service marks or registered service marks of BMA Holdings, LLC in the United States and other countries. |
Georgia - 1st in Peanuts TRW here

Georgia - 1st in Peanuts
What does that mean? What could that mean? My speculations ran away with me as they often do, till suddenly there was a plaque. The plaque and the commemorative peanut was to remember Noram Laurie Smith, a writer/a wordsmith who loved the people and the area.
Wait! A writer thought this up? This is great!!!!
This whole monument is a pun! A wordsmith Pun! This monument means that we're all nuts. We're #1 nuts.
That's the goal of life - Be the #1 nut!
Well, Yes Ms. Nora Smith, I will take your advice and becoem the number 1 nut. I, TRW, am not just a nut, I am THE Nut.
I will be the nut other nuts define their shells by. I will take your "Nut theory" and run with it. I will create and be the Nut who all other nuts see as their leader. I will be the nut's leader!!!
Cotton-Yuck!! - TRW
TRW here and We're flying down the road and finally seeing some mountains. Nice after so much flatness and cotton! Augh!! Cotton! It just reminds me of the destruction of people and the destruction of a nation. We were so there! We had the moment, the prime opportunity. The prime time to create something wonderful. A government and development to create a utopia. A country based on the people's ideas, the people's developed thoughts. Wow!! A government based on the people, for the people, by the people. E pluribus unum - Together as one!! These magical words make my heart thump, and goose bumps grow on my skin.
Can you truly imagine and see what a country like that would be? A country where everyone was equal. A country where everyone helped everyone else. A country where we cared what happened to ever inhabitant, and we were working to one common goal - peace and prosperity. But - it fell apart on day one.
Day one! The continental congress convened and immediately went to constructing what would become a racist, misogynistic, country based on money greed and power of the wealthy. As you can see it hasn't changed much. I suggest you read the transcripts of this nightly destruction of what we could have been. What we profess ourselves to be, yet are only what was developed.
And cotton - Cotton couldn't be sold for enough. The southern group couldn't live in their rich lifestyle, so they needed to not pay for their workers. their "property". And that's where it all begins. Ahhh the echo of 100 years later that still rings true, and still slams into my head when I look at these acreages of mansions:
Live Simply, so other can simply live! - Thoreau
So the cotton - the slaves-the destruction of the dream-the destruction of the nation-and even after the war tore us apart, we still haven't learned. I don't like cotton!
Can you truly imagine and see what a country like that would be? A country where everyone was equal. A country where everyone helped everyone else. A country where we cared what happened to ever inhabitant, and we were working to one common goal - peace and prosperity. But - it fell apart on day one.
Day one! The continental congress convened and immediately went to constructing what would become a racist, misogynistic, country based on money greed and power of the wealthy. As you can see it hasn't changed much. I suggest you read the transcripts of this nightly destruction of what we could have been. What we profess ourselves to be, yet are only what was developed.
And cotton - Cotton couldn't be sold for enough. The southern group couldn't live in their rich lifestyle, so they needed to not pay for their workers. their "property". And that's where it all begins. Ahhh the echo of 100 years later that still rings true, and still slams into my head when I look at these acreages of mansions:
Live Simply, so other can simply live! - Thoreau
So the cotton - the slaves-the destruction of the dream-the destruction of the nation-and even after the war tore us apart, we still haven't learned. I don't like cotton!
Writer Jackson
TRW - here and ecstatic. Can't believe it! Writer Jackson called me. He was in South Africa giving a talk on the rights and the wrongs of apartheid, but at the same time explaining to all that there is no right or wrong. Just the is and the isn't. What a guy. Well, someone asked him if there is only the is and the isn't, then there is no learning and just a knowing. He explained that that was correct.
Turns out the guy was a record producer from Atlanta, and decided to take him up on that and stated that if that was true - Writer Jackson should be able to fly a plane. So Writer Jackson jhopped into his G4 and flew his to Atlanta. Writer knew I was driving up here, so he called me and The Kid and I met up with him in Atlanta.
He shared a story and maybe we can all learn soemthing from it:
A very intelligent, very intuitive young girl was at her home one day. Her father told her not to do something a few days before that day. So the young girl did exactly what she knew not to do. The father asked her why she had done this wrong thing. The young 9 year old smiled and said, with a thoughtful look, "It's better to ask for forgiveness, then ask for permission." This was a phrase she had heard from her father many times, and seen him use it many times. So what is the father to do? Remember, our children, as well as the people we teach are a product of the things we say and do. Therefore, if they do what we do not wqant them to - do they deserve to be punished?
As for what Writer, I, and The Kid spoke of - It doesn't fuckin matter and you don't need to know.
Turns out the guy was a record producer from Atlanta, and decided to take him up on that and stated that if that was true - Writer Jackson should be able to fly a plane. So Writer Jackson jhopped into his G4 and flew his to Atlanta. Writer knew I was driving up here, so he called me and The Kid and I met up with him in Atlanta.
He shared a story and maybe we can all learn soemthing from it:
A very intelligent, very intuitive young girl was at her home one day. Her father told her not to do something a few days before that day. So the young girl did exactly what she knew not to do. The father asked her why she had done this wrong thing. The young 9 year old smiled and said, with a thoughtful look, "It's better to ask for forgiveness, then ask for permission." This was a phrase she had heard from her father many times, and seen him use it many times. So what is the father to do? Remember, our children, as well as the people we teach are a product of the things we say and do. Therefore, if they do what we do not wqant them to - do they deserve to be punished?
As for what Writer, I, and The Kid spoke of - It doesn't fuckin matter and you don't need to know.
TRW-Really McDonalds? Really?
McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!
What have you don't now McDonalds? Hamburgers and shakes weren't enough. A square fish, a few cookie cutter pieces of chicken, a rib that you only bring out once or twice a year, and some wilted salads.....that's not enough? Do you really need to pu t your tow into ever market? Do you really need to compete for every nickle and dime out there? Oh mcdonalds, whata re you doing now?
"I like coffee but I'm not a millionaire" - Advertisement on the side of the road for McDonalds.
Not just any McDonals, a McDonalds that has the new, the magical, MCCAfe, Yep! McDonalds is attacking Starbucks. You walk in and there's a lounge like area. High top chairs and tables. A few easy chairs. Plush chairs that you sink into. The paint job is brown and yellow, with a jazzy flair. Yes, you can get a McCapucino, or aMcLatte. They have all sorts of weird sounding names for what you already know and see. But wait - Starbucks did that too.
When they first came out they were pretty run of the mill. A few tables, some good well done coffee, and that's it. Then they changed it all up. They changed the name of the cups. They changed the names of the coffees. The froze them, added things to them, suddenly Starbucks wasn't run of the mill. Suddenly, Starbucks was trendy. But Trendy comes with a proice that McDonalds is fighting.
Internet - WiFI - Starbucks, $4/hr.
Internet - WIFI - McDonalds McCafe - Free.
What have you don't now McDonalds? Hamburgers and shakes weren't enough. A square fish, a few cookie cutter pieces of chicken, a rib that you only bring out once or twice a year, and some wilted salads.....that's not enough? Do you really need to pu t your tow into ever market? Do you really need to compete for every nickle and dime out there? Oh mcdonalds, whata re you doing now?
"I like coffee but I'm not a millionaire" - Advertisement on the side of the road for McDonalds.
Not just any McDonals, a McDonalds that has the new, the magical, MCCAfe, Yep! McDonalds is attacking Starbucks. You walk in and there's a lounge like area. High top chairs and tables. A few easy chairs. Plush chairs that you sink into. The paint job is brown and yellow, with a jazzy flair. Yes, you can get a McCapucino, or aMcLatte. They have all sorts of weird sounding names for what you already know and see. But wait - Starbucks did that too.
When they first came out they were pretty run of the mill. A few tables, some good well done coffee, and that's it. Then they changed it all up. They changed the name of the cups. They changed the names of the coffees. The froze them, added things to them, suddenly Starbucks wasn't run of the mill. Suddenly, Starbucks was trendy. But Trendy comes with a proice that McDonalds is fighting.
Internet - WiFI - Starbucks, $4/hr.
Internet - WIFI - McDonalds McCafe - Free.
TRW-Georgia Plumbers
TRW here and I'm looking at a van. I'm not one to promote businesses unless I use them. But there's some times that I just can't help it. WE're running down the peach state and here;s a Van that has me laughing:
Pat the Plumber - If my plumbers don't show up on time smelling good, it's free
"Smelling good"? Is this a problem for GA plumbers? Are there smelly plumbers roaming about out there. Good thing Pat is there to solve the problem. Do his plumbers have to keep cologne on them at all times? What are the requirements of that? I wonder if they must have a specific type of smell? Is there a company wide smell? Peaches maybe?
Pat the Plumber - If my plumbers don't show up on time smelling good, it's free
"Smelling good"? Is this a problem for GA plumbers? Are there smelly plumbers roaming about out there. Good thing Pat is there to solve the problem. Do his plumbers have to keep cologne on them at all times? What are the requirements of that? I wonder if they must have a specific type of smell? Is there a company wide smell? Peaches maybe?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
TRW-End of the wilderness
TRW finally escaped the clutches of the back woods. Thankfully a new trucker arrived from some unknown exit, and pulled out in front of me. I almost hit the guy. Who knows whose fault it was, doesn't really matter. I slammed on my breaks, he put the pedal to the metal and we all survived. The first thing I noticed was the owls on his mud flaps. Of course, those were the only things in the windscreen when I first came across the truck. Who puts owls are their mud flaps? Where do you go about buying owls? I looked all over the truck, the owls don't mean jack. I've driven a bit, and there hasn't been a single thing that I've ever seen where you can buy owls for your mud flaps. I've even searched the web, no owls!
Must be a sign--Wisdom, leadership. Who knows. But, this truck lead me to the promise land or the interstate, yet not the one I wanted to go to. But the one I should go to.
So I followed this truck, unbeknowst to me, he was going to I10, I needed to be on !75. However, I 10 would run into I75, so it's all good. The turn off to I 75 came and out of the corner of my eye, it went. I was so busy pondering the owls and having The Kid looking form the owls on the computer, that I didn't realize this truck was going somewhere else. So we slipped onto I 10, and I came to find out, I 10 zipped us past some more construction and detours on !75, as well as a little short cut.
Geogia, here we come. The land of the Peaches.
Thank-you Owls and the mysterious Owl trucker
Must be a sign--Wisdom, leadership. Who knows. But, this truck lead me to the promise land or the interstate, yet not the one I wanted to go to. But the one I should go to.
So I followed this truck, unbeknowst to me, he was going to I10, I needed to be on !75. However, I 10 would run into I75, so it's all good. The turn off to I 75 came and out of the corner of my eye, it went. I was so busy pondering the owls and having The Kid looking form the owls on the computer, that I didn't realize this truck was going somewhere else. So we slipped onto I 10, and I came to find out, I 10 zipped us past some more construction and detours on !75, as well as a little short cut.
Geogia, here we come. The land of the Peaches.
Thank-you Owls and the mysterious Owl trucker
I'm thankfull....
Ok...TRW wants me to start a thankful thing? After reading his post, I'm not sure how to go about doing this. So, I'll just start:
I'm thankful for every person who is reading this blog and thinking that what I put on it is worth something.
I'm thankful that I can wake up each morning and all my organs keep working.
I'm thankful that I can get paid to write, and that people enjoy my writing.
So, everyday I'm going to come up with something I'm thankful for about me. If you'd like to share yours and have them posted on this blog....please send them to
I'm thankful for every person who is reading this blog and thinking that what I put on it is worth something.
I'm thankful that I can wake up each morning and all my organs keep working.
I'm thankful that I can get paid to write, and that people enjoy my writing.
So, everyday I'm going to come up with something I'm thankful for about me. If you'd like to share yours and have them posted on this blog....please send them to
Celebrate you! - TRW
We followed the weird outskirts of reality, dotted with glimpses of modernism such as a bank and a town store. Passed a road that advertised itself. The road was named "glen rd" and evidently there was a large celbration called the "glenn rd celebration". Where do you have to be in order to celebrate yourself.
Maybe we should taker a hint from this sign. Maybe, in fact, this is the reason for this whole situation. To calm us down from the speed of the interstate, and have us look int o ourselves and wonder why we aren't more like this road. It could be I have no idea what I'm talking about, and the "celebration has more to do with some historic event in the name of that road, or maybe it's just a small town's (I take that back - small area{community-if you will} ) way of figuiring out a way to cvelebrate something.The beauty of the introspective thought is that whatever things spark the thoughts that create the ideas that cause you to think about your life or yourself, it doersn't matter if that's what their there for, it only matters that they have.
So maybe we should begin to celebrate ourselves. Celebrate....Us, or me, or you...depending on how you want to weild the pronoun. So everyday, wake up....and be thankful about something about you. Try it, you'll be amazed how hard it is to be thankful about you. In fact, I think Chad is going to start doing that. Yes, that will begin to be part of his BLOG, or he'll have problems with me. ha ha ha
Note - and start!
Maybe we should taker a hint from this sign. Maybe, in fact, this is the reason for this whole situation. To calm us down from the speed of the interstate, and have us look int o ourselves and wonder why we aren't more like this road. It could be I have no idea what I'm talking about, and the "celebration has more to do with some historic event in the name of that road, or maybe it's just a small town's (I take that back - small area{community-if you will} ) way of figuiring out a way to cvelebrate something.The beauty of the introspective thought is that whatever things spark the thoughts that create the ideas that cause you to think about your life or yourself, it doersn't matter if that's what their there for, it only matters that they have.
So maybe we should begin to celebrate ourselves. Celebrate....Us, or me, or you...depending on how you want to weild the pronoun. So everyday, wake up....and be thankful about something about you. Try it, you'll be amazed how hard it is to be thankful about you. In fact, I think Chad is going to start doing that. Yes, that will begin to be part of his BLOG, or he'll have problems with me. ha ha ha
Note - and start!
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