Monday, July 27, 2009

Wow! Turns out Hunter S. Thompson was published in playboy. Who knew!!! Here is a great link for anyone wanting know exactly what it was and where to get it. Good job!!! That's the thing with writers, we will be published in any publication that will publish us, but the thing with hunter is that Playboy fits him just as Rolling Stone did. However, all of Thompson's playboy pieces sold better than any other issue of the magazine. Does that mean people were really reading , yes it does.

Shel Silverstein-more than just a kids poet

Why is so hard for people to think of Shel Silverstein as working for playboy? When was playboy so deified? When did showing off your gorgeous naked body become such a horrible thing? Plus, his artistry and comics were hilarious. But oh no!!! He wrote children's poetry, how could he be part of that horrible Playboy...bah! Are you serious. It would probably be a good idea for the your little johnny or suzy to see someone naked to show them that they don't have to be ashamed of their beautiful body. They don't have to be perfect looking to feel good about themselves. Wow, that's crazy talk in our society.

What's really fun is to walk into a library and ask for Shel's "adult" stuff. they look at you lie you just walked off the crazy plane, then they look at you liked you 'd just asked, "Can you tell me where your porn is? "Adult" is the only way to describe it, because it isn't for kids. Anything that isn't for kids is adult. Mature always winds up meaning old I guess I'm still a kid. If you are able or have the opportunity to pick up any of Shel's adult stuff...or especially his plays I strongly recommend it. What a great read Shel Silverstein's stuff truly is.

But, the library is the best place to find all of this stuff if you can get over the old ladies scoffing at you, the old men chuckling, and the younger women moving their children away from you. Incidently, he is the inspiration for the name of this Blog.

A space can mean decapitation

I was driving down the road the other day when I came upon a sign: Stop Ahead. A well meant sign to alert you that you will need to stop just ahead, and you must be careful because of this. I came to a conclusion upon seeing that sign as to how important a space is. A mere tap of the space bar, a small little hesitation of a painter or a sign creator and this is no longer a helpful sign to notify you there's a stop sign. It's now notifying you that you are now entering a scene of a crime. You are now going to be witnessing a decapitation, or what was a decapitation. Because you must STOP! A head! A head is in the road, or on a pike, or sitting on a shelf. Maybe it's a famous head...who knows. But, you are now going to bear witness to A HEAD! AUGH!!

Eggs for breakfast

Why is it that nobody feels bad about eating eggs? I mean they are kids. We are a society that laments and is just fuckin crazy about babies, and little children, and cute little baby animals, and little children and on and on and on; but oh yeah, those poor fuckin chickens. We don't care about these chicks till they become all cute and yellow. Don't want to hurt the cute little yellow things, but as soon as they get older and have white feathers, it's dinner time. What type of people are we? Then if we can get them before they hatch, oh the cry goes out: GET THE BABIES!!! We raid thier shit like we're an angry mob looking for the beast. Get the eggs. Get the eggs. Eggs are good. We need Omelets. We need them hardboiled for salads and deviled eggs. Grab your pitchforks and torches! Take out the chicken young. We will force them to make our delicacies, we are the rulers. Kill the beasts! Kill the beasts!!

Great Sites....

Came across a few great sites for all of you groovy cool people out there. - give rice by learning vocab 0 greatest collectioj fo great wqriters like Hunter S. Thompasaon and Charles Bukowski.

Inspiration quote pitch....

As I'm sitting here wandering around my own reality I noticed a small bit of sanity, and decided I really needed to throw it out. But, I'll let it stay for a while. I re-read my last post, and realized I have now set up the ability to put myself into this blog. However, had I ever wanted to do that? I don't know. But looking into the blog, I am all over it. So are we here or are we there? It truly doesn't matter.

But ,my real question that I'd like to ask anyone actually reading this: Would you or anyone you know like to read an inspirations quote ever day? It will only cost you 15 cents a quote. That's less than a cup of coffee. Please contact me at, and I'd be happy to get that started for you. Would you like to be inspired? Would you like to be motivated? Every day I'd be happy to do just that for you!!!

More Hunter S. Thompson quotes, and why not??

As I sit thinking more about hunter, mere minutes after the last blog...i realize maybe he's right. Maybe we need to make the story in order to cover the story. That's possible I suppose. or maybe we have to be the story...Yes, I'll be the story thank-you. So I looked into my world and realized, i am more of a story than most people realize or i do for that matter. Still waiting to sip the coffee, I ponder my existence and toss down some more quotes and dirges by Hunter that I've pilfered from others on the net, that also pilfered from somewhere.

- “Maybe there is no Heaven. Or maybe this is all pure gibberish — a product of the demented imagination of a lazy drunken hillbilly with a heart full of hate who has found a way to live out where the real winds blow — to sleep late, have fun, get wild, drink whisky, and drive fast on empty streets with nothing in mind except falling in love and not getting arrested…Res ipsa loquitur. Let the good times roll.”

- Anybody who thinks that ‘it doesn’t matter who’s President’ has never been Drafted and sent off to fight and die in a vicious, stupid War on the other side of the World — or been beaten and gassed by Police for trespassing on public property — or been hounded by the IRS for purely political reasons — or locked up in the Cook County Jail with a broken nose and no phone access and twelve perverts wanting to stomp your ass in the shower. That is when it matters who is President or Governor or Police Chief. That is when you will wish you had voted.”

Hunter S. thompson quotes

I find my self sitting here at 4:15 in the morning, realizing no one is reading my blog, and noone really cares what the hell I say. I'm oddly ok with that, and I await the sun, the blue sky, and the inevitable bright blazing sun. When it comes up, I'm going to brew a cup of good coffee, put some milk and whyskey into it, and write till I'm done writing. Upon thinking of this, I thought of Hunter S. Thompson. He'd gone out, seen the world...seen what there was to be seen. Lived it, loved it, and took himself out when it got weird enough. So I add a few Hunter S. Thompson quotes:

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

No one holds command over me. No man. No god. No Prince. What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal? What is a claim of power for ones who defy death? Call your damnable hunt. We shall see whom I drag screaming to hell with me.

So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived, or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?

A cap of good acid costs five dollars and for that you can hear the Universal Symphony with God singing solo and the Holy Ghost on drums.

As you were, I was. As I am, you will be

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yet another drawing game you say. Another way to bring family close, blah, blah, blah. Well, why not? Is your family not important to you? Is it not the highlight of your life? Are you not an integral part of it? Is not drawing for all ages, so this doesn't have to be a family can be a couple thing if you really wanted to do..

Please go to the following link and enjoy a new idea that could very well spark a number of new and interesting things to do for you and everyone you're connected with.

Let's teach some art...and why not!!!!

For all of you looking for a new way to teach art, here's the way. If you're a teacher, a home school mom, or just a person who wants to show their kids a new way to look at art, this is it. When you begin teaching children about art, you have to start out the basics. But there are so many do's and don't, it turns children off. Therefore, try a different way of doing things and you just might change their perspective.

This lesson is geared for older children, high-school and up. However, with very little modification, you can change it into any age level. Please go to the link/address below to be welcomed into a new lesson on art.

Try meditation!! What could it hurt?

There are many people out there that believe mediation is ridiculous. That's ok, you may be one of them. However, the benefits of meditation are far greater than the hindrances and the prejudice that people put on it. It's not some religious thing, or some fad thing, it's all about taking the time to experience now. That's all, nothing more, nothing less.

Even if you have never wanted to try it, or if you've wanted to try it and never knew how to start, now is the time. Please click on the link below and start learning how to meditate now!

Draw with your KIDS. Draw with your Partner

There are many many ways you can bring the family together. In today's day and age, those ways are getting few and far between. What better way to bring everyone together than drawing. not just drawing, a drawing game that will allow people to show off their differences, relish in their creativity, and show everyone that it's ok to be different and that's what makes us cool.

Please got to the address below to experience a new kind of drawing game. A game that can not only revolutionize your family dynamic, but completely change the way your children see the world.

Throw the paint ont he the fun!!

Who are your kids? Are they architects, painters, workers, what? who knows, and they don't either. So, unlock that inner painter and creativity in them. In this world of rules, and procedures show then that not everything has to be that way. Painting is not about rules and "have to" and "should" it's about paint and canvas, and whatever you want to do with those two things.

Please click on this link, and read the great new way you can unlock your child's creativity. Hell, why let the kids have all the fun....why don't you get sloppy and messy in the paint too?

Paint with everything at your disposal. Why Not?

So you're sitting down to paint. Painting is a great activity, and it can bring thousands of people together, including the parents and the children. However, are you really just going to bring out the brushes. There is such a plethora of painting tools available to you. Go no holds bard and bring out every painting thing you can find.

Please go to the following address to discover or rediscover a number of great new ways of applying paint on canvas.

Shakespeare keeps popping up everywhere!

Shakespeare, the great Bard. The man who created the way we speak, the way we write, and the way we order our tales. But, in order to full understand Shakespeare, you have to know how to read his stuff. If you don't know how to read his don't know how to read him. It's a problem that plagues many, and most don't care. But why wouldn't you want to learn to read the greatest storyteller of all time? Because it's hard? Kind of like walking to a one year old, but you're doing it aren't you?

Whether you are a teacher, a student, or just someone who would like to learn a little bit more please got to the following address to expand your mind on the great bard William Shakespeare.

Rubber Band Gun - Rubber Band Gun

There's just something about being a a kid, and making your own weapons to terrorize people with. I don't mean anything of grand anger or problem, I mean just a small bandit that is a cowboy in his own head that can't actually hurt anything. When a kid makes their first rubber band gun, the world has opened, and life has become theirs. They are a creator of their own destiny!

Please go to the website below for a complete "how to" article on making a rubber band gun, and give your child or even yourself the thrill of creation and the ability to run amock.