Here we go!!!! Why look for alternative fuels, that's too hard. Why downsize our alreadys astronomical oil consumption? Why would you want to do that? No....just look for more right? NO! NO! How many experts, how many scientists, what is it going to take for people to realize that we need to relaize the relaities of our stay on this planet, the fact we are all connected as one, and that oil is not the wave of the future......ESP{ECIALLY IN THE GULF OF MEXICO!!!! Their dealing with habitats that have been created for centuries. Even more-this is hurricane alley. Mess with this ecosystem and you get bigger hurricanes. Then what happens when the derrecks fall off the pump and spew oil......"my bad" is all we'll get!
The full article is right here. I've reproduced it exactly, I'm not stealing it...but I thought everyone should be aware!!
LONDON (Reuters) - Oil major BP Plc said it has made an oil discovery in the
Gulf of Mexico, which analysts believe could contain over 1 billion barrels of recoverable reserves, reaffirming the Gulf's strategic importance to the industry.
BP said in a statement on Wednesday that it had made the "giant" find at its Tiber Prospect in the Keathley Canyon block 102, by drilling one of the deepest wells ever sunk by the industry.
Further appraisal will be required to ascertain the size of volumes of oil present, but a spokesman said the find should be bigger than its Kaskida discovery which has over 3 billion barrels of oil in place.
Estimates of recoverable reserves range from around 20 percent of oil in place.
"Assuming reserves in place of 4 billion barrels and a 35 percent recovery rate, BP's proven reserves .. would rise by 868 million barrels -- equivalent to 4.8 percent of the group's 18.14 billion barrels of proven reserves," Aymeric De-Villaret, oil analyst at Societe Generale said in a research note.
BP, the biggest oil producer in the U.S. and biggest leaseholder in the Gulf of Mexico, has a 62 percent working interest in the block, while Brazilian state-controlled Petrobras owns 20 percent and U.S. oil major ConocoPhillips owns 18 percent.
Iain Armstrong, analyst at Brewin Dolphin, said the discovery may have implications for long-term oil prices.
"It will ease concerns about peak oil because it shows there is life left in these mature areas," he said, adding that it could be the second half of the next decade before the find is producing.
The discovery also bodes well for other exploration in that part of the Gulf of Mexico, including at Royal Dutch Shell's nearby Great White field, Jason Kenny, oil analyst at ING in Edinburgh, said.
BP shares, which had been trading slightly down ahead of the statement, closed up 4.3 percent at 541 pence, outperforming a 1.75 percent rise in the DJ Stoxx European oil and gas sector index.
The Gulf of Mexico has become increasingly important to Western oil majors as oil rich-countries such as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Russia reserve their richest fields to be developed by their state-owned oil companies.
The Gulf is especially attractive because it offers high profit margins, due to relatively low taxation compared to countries such as Russia and Nigeria, and because of the low political risk.
As nearer-shore discoveries dry up, companies have pushed further out to sea, which has forced them to develop new technologies to detect and extract the oil.
The prospects for massive discoveries in the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico is also good news for U.S. politicians' ambitions to reduce the country's reliance on imported oil, although oil executives doubt the U.S. is capable of becoming self sufficient in oil.
(Reporting by Tom Bergin; Editing by Jon Loades-Carter and Rupert Winchester)
Copyrighted, Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Look at the yellow. That band of weather is all one system based in the top of the atlantic. This is one of its feeder bands. This isn't normal. This isn't what weather does. It follows the jet stream, but there usually isn't weather along the entire jet stream. By the way....the old huirricane is going to sweep the nation. What will that be like? Let the mid west get hit bu torndos, california is burning down, and there's a hurrican in the atlantic.....Mommy, is this armagedon? :-)
Hurricanes in the Pacific?
Hurricanes in the pacific
Wow, there's hurricanes in the pacific, and the Atlantic. In may I was yapping about a cataclysmic year. The pacific is hot the Atlantic is hot the gulf is hot, and the north pole is gone away. What does this all mean....Global warming Baby. But it's cold where I am, some people will say as the temps drop. That's ok. It has more to do with the change of weather, than the temperature. We're spinning out of control. Look around, is this weather normal to you?
Ask the old folks and they'll say since we went up to the moon the weather hasn't been the same. They have a pretty good point, that's also when all of the bad pollutants started to be shot into he air faster than ever. Cars, and lead fuel. Rockets, and plumes of exhaust that equal 4 months on an LA freeway, that happens in 1/2 seconds.
This is just the beginning. If you've been watching your weather forecast, take a look off the coast of maine. There's a huge system, where's it going? Why is it dragging the little class 5 hurricane with it. This system takes up the entire north Atlantic. Btu what do I know, I'm only a kid who writes a bolg and has a meteorology degree. But, I called Hurricane Katrina correctly, and Hurricane Andrew. I hope I'm not right, but there's a lot of stuff going on that says we're heading into a large winter of problems and hell. Welcome to our new world.
Wow, there's hurricanes in the pacific, and the Atlantic. In may I was yapping about a cataclysmic year. The pacific is hot the Atlantic is hot the gulf is hot, and the north pole is gone away. What does this all mean....Global warming Baby. But it's cold where I am, some people will say as the temps drop. That's ok. It has more to do with the change of weather, than the temperature. We're spinning out of control. Look around, is this weather normal to you?
Ask the old folks and they'll say since we went up to the moon the weather hasn't been the same. They have a pretty good point, that's also when all of the bad pollutants started to be shot into he air faster than ever. Cars, and lead fuel. Rockets, and plumes of exhaust that equal 4 months on an LA freeway, that happens in 1/2 seconds.
This is just the beginning. If you've been watching your weather forecast, take a look off the coast of maine. There's a huge system, where's it going? Why is it dragging the little class 5 hurricane with it. This system takes up the entire north Atlantic. Btu what do I know, I'm only a kid who writes a bolg and has a meteorology degree. But, I called Hurricane Katrina correctly, and Hurricane Andrew. I hope I'm not right, but there's a lot of stuff going on that says we're heading into a large winter of problems and hell. Welcome to our new world.
Help you make everything
My goal is to help you out. My goal is to make sure you know how to do everything and anything. And why not. Or maybe, just do everything you want to do.
- As a kid, we all made blowguns. To harken back tot he day...this is an article all about going and making a blow gun!!!! Oh yeah!!!!
- Light makes a picture. So, how do you take one when there's no light and you just have to take it? Here's that article. There is non-visible light all around.
-in a VW
- How to put your boat into the water. It's alaways a good skill to have if you have a boat.
- Once you got your boat in the water, you need to take it out. Here's the way to do it.
- As a kid, we all made blowguns. To harken back tot he day...this is an article all about going and making a blow gun!!!! Oh yeah!!!!
- Light makes a picture. So, how do you take one when there's no light and you just have to take it? Here's that article. There is non-visible light all around.
-in a VW
- How to put your boat into the water. It's alaways a good skill to have if you have a boat.
- Once you got your boat in the water, you need to take it out. Here's the way to do it.
Disc Golf - how to
Disc Golf is here and it isn't going anywhere, guranteed. The Proffesional Disc Golf association wouldn't allow that to happen. That's right the PDGA!! Disc Golf is played around the world, and no doubt there is a disc golf course very close to you. How to play, how to throw, how to find the right discs for what you want to do. Want to get into disc golf, lets go. I'll see you on the links.
- This is the most important, even more important than how to play. Getting thast disc to floy is as important as hitting the little white ball with the piece of iron.
- Gotta know how to play before going out there.
- What's the right disc? 9 Iron, wood, wedfge, putter.....which qwill fly, which will glide, which will jusat drop?
Enjoy the game!!!!
Disc Golf is here and it isn't going anywhere, guranteed. The Proffesional Disc Golf association wouldn't allow that to happen. That's right the PDGA!! Disc Golf is played around the world, and no doubt there is a disc golf course very close to you. How to play, how to throw, how to find the right discs for what you want to do. Want to get into disc golf, lets go. I'll see you on the links.
- This is the most important, even more important than how to play. Getting thast disc to floy is as important as hitting the little white ball with the piece of iron.
- Gotta know how to play before going out there.
- What's the right disc? 9 Iron, wood, wedfge, putter.....which qwill fly, which will glide, which will jusat drop?
Enjoy the game!!!!
Math Help and tutoring just for you!!!!
Dreaded Math. As Buffett so aptly put in his song: Math sux!
For all of you who are struggling with thiws math concept, check out these helpful items.
- For all of you home schoolers out there. Here's an idea on teaching your kids multiplication. For you teachers, a new idea maybe!!!
- (x+6)(X+9) - now multiply. What? This is the idea of foil. Go out there, learn it, love it, live's foil.
-The dreaded distributive property. X(a+8) = xa + 8x How? It's all in the writing. Please look through this, help your kids out and love their education, and yours.
For all of you who are struggling with thiws math concept, check out these helpful items.
- For all of you home schoolers out there. Here's an idea on teaching your kids multiplication. For you teachers, a new idea maybe!!!
- (x+6)(X+9) - now multiply. What? This is the idea of foil. Go out there, learn it, love it, live's foil.
-The dreaded distributive property. X(a+8) = xa + 8x How? It's all in the writing. Please look through this, help your kids out and love their education, and yours.
My original writing!!!!
A few things that I have written that I'd love for you to see. An oportunity to open your mind to what is out there, and what I havw written.
- he was more than just a kid's writer. He was also a writer that adults would enjoy. Not only that Shel was a gifted and talented artisan. In fact that is what he did in the militatary, and what he was known as most of his life. Then he got into plays that are so wonderful, you have to woder why we don't see them.
- An original poem by me. A thought on love and what is love.
- Introducing Red Box. You've seen them in front of Walmart and wallgreens. Those guys that are selling this are top sellers no doubt. This is all about it and how much it costs...check it out.
- The celestine Prophecy, have to check it out. Just have to.
- an original story by me!!
- he was more than just a kid's writer. He was also a writer that adults would enjoy. Not only that Shel was a gifted and talented artisan. In fact that is what he did in the militatary, and what he was known as most of his life. Then he got into plays that are so wonderful, you have to woder why we don't see them.
- An original poem by me. A thought on love and what is love.
- Introducing Red Box. You've seen them in front of Walmart and wallgreens. Those guys that are selling this are top sellers no doubt. This is all about it and how much it costs...check it out.
- The celestine Prophecy, have to check it out. Just have to.
- an original story by me!!
Yard Sale compatibility test
The life and the yard sale
As I sit at my yard sale for the third day i've seen a trend.
There are the peopel who want everything just given tot hem. Of course most people want everythign they want for free, and they want everything that they are selling for twice what its worth. That's really the american way I think.
There are the people that want only one thing. Most of the time it's fishing or pottery. These people will quickly run through and then off they go....talking about that one elusive item.
There are the people that will buy anything, just as long as it kinda suits them. One person bought 3 old magnets for a quarter.
Then there's the team. True story: A couple pulled up. They took out a few dollars out of an envelope. They had a strategy: The husband would take one side the wife the other. They get out and begin looking. As they see things, they yell to their spouse the items they see and find, so the spouse doesn't have to look over there. They arrive at the back, where I am, say thank-you at the same time and quickly leave
Fianlly, the drive bys. These people will slow way down. Drive by the sales, look real quick, and then quicky gun their engine and leave
Is this who these people are in real life? The planners, the drive buys (People just passing through and not taking any thing too seriously, and most things aren't important enough to figure out or get reall in detail with), the people looking only for one thing, and they endlessly look. Maybe the way we act at a yard sale is our real us.
The next time you want to see if you and "your friend" are a true match, go out to a few yard sales with them. You coulkd find out some things you did n't know about them previously. Are you dating a drive by?
As I sit at my yard sale for the third day i've seen a trend.
There are the peopel who want everything just given tot hem. Of course most people want everythign they want for free, and they want everything that they are selling for twice what its worth. That's really the american way I think.
There are the people that want only one thing. Most of the time it's fishing or pottery. These people will quickly run through and then off they go....talking about that one elusive item.
There are the people that will buy anything, just as long as it kinda suits them. One person bought 3 old magnets for a quarter.
Then there's the team. True story: A couple pulled up. They took out a few dollars out of an envelope. They had a strategy: The husband would take one side the wife the other. They get out and begin looking. As they see things, they yell to their spouse the items they see and find, so the spouse doesn't have to look over there. They arrive at the back, where I am, say thank-you at the same time and quickly leave
Fianlly, the drive bys. These people will slow way down. Drive by the sales, look real quick, and then quicky gun their engine and leave
Is this who these people are in real life? The planners, the drive buys (People just passing through and not taking any thing too seriously, and most things aren't important enough to figure out or get reall in detail with), the people looking only for one thing, and they endlessly look. Maybe the way we act at a yard sale is our real us.
The next time you want to see if you and "your friend" are a true match, go out to a few yard sales with them. You coulkd find out some things you did n't know about them previously. Are you dating a drive by?
Why do we treat the old this way?
I was speaking to a woman who was 80 years of today. She was in love with living and the world. She was living in a small apartment across from me at one point. She had to move to an assisted living facility because she just couldn't do it anymore by herself. As she was moving she told me her story. After I heard it my heart sunk...and i wondered if we have truly lost our responsibilities to our elder population. Have we really just forgotten them? Have we really turned into a society where we lock up our older people into buildings and facilities because we don't want them around anymore, because they are an inconvenience? Maybe the only fear of getting old is the fear of what the young people are going to do to us when we get there.
This is her story:
She moved to this Florida town back in the 60's. She was a spry 40 year old, and had her whole life in front of she put it. She bought a house in a swampy area, but the little dirt road to the inter coastal was a nice little walk, and it was nice being so close to the beach. Because she couldn't see the water, she got her house for a really cheap price. every day she would get off of work, walk down the little dirt path, meet up with some people that lived on the other side of the path because they had money, and they would all sip wine and watch the sunset.
Soon her daughter graduated and moved away to college. Her daughter had lived in a few big cities and then she came home. By that time, my neighbor had begin to get sick so it was nice that her daughter was there to help her. She got back into better health, and her daughter's boyfriend moved in. She didn't like it, but she felt she owed her daughter something. Her daughter got pregnant, and told her mother that her house was perfect for the 3 of them, and she was shoved into a nice apartment. This sounded nice to my neighbor, especially since the mortgage payments were more expensive than then her small social security check and her small retirement check. In 1 day, her entire house was loaded up, and put into an apartment. The apartment was 3 doors down, and her daughter saw her once every three to six months. She still isn't moved in because she has to wait for someone to lift the boxes for her.
Then her daughter enrolled her into the assisted living facility, and I happened upon her in an assisted living place....accidentally. Her daughter has seen her once in a year. How sad!
This is her story:
She moved to this Florida town back in the 60's. She was a spry 40 year old, and had her whole life in front of she put it. She bought a house in a swampy area, but the little dirt road to the inter coastal was a nice little walk, and it was nice being so close to the beach. Because she couldn't see the water, she got her house for a really cheap price. every day she would get off of work, walk down the little dirt path, meet up with some people that lived on the other side of the path because they had money, and they would all sip wine and watch the sunset.
Soon her daughter graduated and moved away to college. Her daughter had lived in a few big cities and then she came home. By that time, my neighbor had begin to get sick so it was nice that her daughter was there to help her. She got back into better health, and her daughter's boyfriend moved in. She didn't like it, but she felt she owed her daughter something. Her daughter got pregnant, and told her mother that her house was perfect for the 3 of them, and she was shoved into a nice apartment. This sounded nice to my neighbor, especially since the mortgage payments were more expensive than then her small social security check and her small retirement check. In 1 day, her entire house was loaded up, and put into an apartment. The apartment was 3 doors down, and her daughter saw her once every three to six months. She still isn't moved in because she has to wait for someone to lift the boxes for her.
Then her daughter enrolled her into the assisted living facility, and I happened upon her in an assisted living place....accidentally. Her daughter has seen her once in a year. How sad!
Tampa shore lines on the Brink of Destruction
I received this e-mail and I couldn't believe it . Did Bush really do this? when he wqas on his wayt out did he rally just decided that the coiast lines didn'ty mean anything? Does he not feel the oneness? I guess not. So I reproduce this e-mail from the enviromental league of florida, urging us tohelp. I hope that everyone who reads this, does something, anything, to help!!!!!
What a way to say goodbye.
Just before leaving office, President Bush did his Big Oil buddies one last favor by setting in motion plans to open much of America's coastline to offshore oil drilling.
We know what that means for Florida: daily discharges of oily water, leaky pipelines, industrialized coasts and the potential for a catastrophic spill.
That's bad news for our spectacular beaches and those who depend upon them. The risks are certainly not worth the reward -- about a cent's worth of gas savings in 2025.
Send Secretary of Interior Salazar a message asking him to stop the rush to drill off Florida's coast.
Big Oil says their rigs, pipelines, tankers and refineries are safe, clean and environmentally friendly these days. But that's a big lie!
Every year, there are hundreds of oil spills. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused over 9 million gallons of oil to be spilled into the Gulf of Mexico in 2005. Just this past month, a burst pipeline near Louisiana created an oil slick the size of the city of Tampa.
We need the Obama administration to step in and put a stop to this.
Tell Secretary Salazar not to hand Florida's beaches over to Big Oil.
As always, thanks for your help.
What a way to say goodbye.
Just before leaving office, President Bush did his Big Oil buddies one last favor by setting in motion plans to open much of America's coastline to offshore oil drilling.
We know what that means for Florida: daily discharges of oily water, leaky pipelines, industrialized coasts and the potential for a catastrophic spill.
That's bad news for our spectacular beaches and those who depend upon them. The risks are certainly not worth the reward -- about a cent's worth of gas savings in 2025.
Send Secretary of Interior Salazar a message asking him to stop the rush to drill off Florida's coast.
Big Oil says their rigs, pipelines, tankers and refineries are safe, clean and environmentally friendly these days. But that's a big lie!
Every year, there are hundreds of oil spills. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused over 9 million gallons of oil to be spilled into the Gulf of Mexico in 2005. Just this past month, a burst pipeline near Louisiana created an oil slick the size of the city of Tampa.
We need the Obama administration to step in and put a stop to this.
Tell Secretary Salazar not to hand Florida's beaches over to Big Oil.
As always, thanks for your help.
Pay attention to the kids
I'm sitting here in the park working and a father, a mother, and their daughter walk by. The daughter, of no more than 6, was speaking a mile a minute. The parents were talking over her, and what she was saying was falling on deaf ears. It seemed the parents needed to figure out what mortgage company they were going to use. The little girl was talking about what tree she was going to climb. I found the dichotomy of the conversation humerus and disturbing.
When the little girl burst from their hands, a shocked and terrified look screeched across the parents faces. The girl raced for a tree, jumped to the highest branch, and started climbing away. The parents regained their composure and sighed. They continued their previous conversation as the little girl climbed and climbed.
When she got to the top of the branch she wanted to get to , she said in a voice quite proud - "That's fuckin right, I did it. Uh huh!" The parents heard themselves. The other patrons of the park heard their own conversation.
Me, I heard the little 6 year old say, within a foot of her parents,Fuckin Right!!!
whn i asked if she was allowed to cuss they looked at me with a look of appall that I haven't saeen in a long while. The look said it all, and I smiled.
When the little girl burst from their hands, a shocked and terrified look screeched across the parents faces. The girl raced for a tree, jumped to the highest branch, and started climbing away. The parents regained their composure and sighed. They continued their previous conversation as the little girl climbed and climbed.
When she got to the top of the branch she wanted to get to , she said in a voice quite proud - "That's fuckin right, I did it. Uh huh!" The parents heard themselves. The other patrons of the park heard their own conversation.
Me, I heard the little 6 year old say, within a foot of her parents,Fuckin Right!!!
whn i asked if she was allowed to cuss they looked at me with a look of appall that I haven't saeen in a long while. The look said it all, and I smiled.
Silence is Golden
I used to see couples walking down the road, sitting at the park, or at dinner somewhere and they wouldn't be speaking to each other. The other way it went was that they were both reading the paper, or both reading their own book. My theory was that, it had finally happened for those two. They had lost so total interest in each other that they had stopped talking, they had stopped interacting, they had stopped being a couple. How could you be around someone, and they weren't apying attention to you, or being with you?
I now realize it in such a different way. It's not that at'all. The line from Palm Fiction, or I should say Quentin Terrintino, is truly correct: "It's when you're totally interested and succinct with a person that you can just sit there and shut the fuck up"
Interesting...that line always bothered me...till now. These people have become so linked, so together that they actually know each other enough to not feel slighted by the other. they are happilly doing what they are doing, while happily allowing the other person to do what they're happy to do. Wow!!! I had never thought of it that way. Look around! You will see the couples who don't care about each other, and then you'll see the couples who are perfect! Those perfect ones are sitting next to each other, maybe holding hands or have a hand on the other. Maybe they're sitting across from each other, but not drawing themselves away, but very ok with being there with that person do exactly what they want to do. They are being themselves, as well as being a couple. Can you say that you can do that in your relationship?
This world is not suppose to be take take's suppose to be give give give
I now realize it in such a different way. It's not that at'all. The line from Palm Fiction, or I should say Quentin Terrintino, is truly correct: "It's when you're totally interested and succinct with a person that you can just sit there and shut the fuck up"
Interesting...that line always bothered me...till now. These people have become so linked, so together that they actually know each other enough to not feel slighted by the other. they are happilly doing what they are doing, while happily allowing the other person to do what they're happy to do. Wow!!! I had never thought of it that way. Look around! You will see the couples who don't care about each other, and then you'll see the couples who are perfect! Those perfect ones are sitting next to each other, maybe holding hands or have a hand on the other. Maybe they're sitting across from each other, but not drawing themselves away, but very ok with being there with that person do exactly what they want to do. They are being themselves, as well as being a couple. Can you say that you can do that in your relationship?
This world is not suppose to be take take's suppose to be give give give
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Artic Ice almost gone in the Summer!!!!
There is a way to traverse the top of thew world now
For years discoverers such as Capt Cook and many many others, trudged through Ice and snow, risked their lives to find a way through the Northern Arctic circle. Ladies And Gentleman, the ice has receded so much that there now is that boat way.
It is actually possible to boat your way, albeit cold and rotten with bits and pieces of sea ice here and there, but you can now do it. it use to take days and weeks of blasting through Ice to do that, and now it's just a simple power boat excersise.
I can't give you the pictures here because they are not mine.
I urge you......look at these pictures on this natl government web site:
We are in a series climate shift, and only recycling and stopping our stupid spending destructive wasteful ways will stop it. We must know that we are hurting our own home. BEWARE.....this isn't good!
For years discoverers such as Capt Cook and many many others, trudged through Ice and snow, risked their lives to find a way through the Northern Arctic circle. Ladies And Gentleman, the ice has receded so much that there now is that boat way.
It is actually possible to boat your way, albeit cold and rotten with bits and pieces of sea ice here and there, but you can now do it. it use to take days and weeks of blasting through Ice to do that, and now it's just a simple power boat excersise.
I can't give you the pictures here because they are not mine.
I urge you......look at these pictures on this natl government web site:
We are in a series climate shift, and only recycling and stopping our stupid spending destructive wasteful ways will stop it. We must know that we are hurting our own home. BEWARE.....this isn't good!
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