Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl help?

The great and awesome Super Bowl. How odd and interesting it is that to buy an advertising on the super bowl it cost $3 million, let me write that out for you:

$3,000,000. 30 seconds!


Click this link to see what 1 million dots look like. (You have to scroll to the right forever to see it!) Can you even comprehend 3 million?

But what does 3 million 1 dollar bills look like? This link gives you an idea of what it would look like. (I DO NOT SUGGEST ANY OF THESE IDEAS, JUST LOOK AT THE SIZE!!!!)

With all this money spent on commercials, and the amount of people guaranteed to see it, the companies could have either put on a display that would garnish them a profit OR Put on a display that just might change the world in which we live. A display that might show millions of viewsers that there can be a better world if we so choose there to be. A view of happiness, selflessness, and charity.

We are greeted with horses running and jumping, and one earthling punching another.

Koala - Earthling
Person - Earthling

And we wonder why our world is in the shape that it is in.

BE the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good or Bad

For many years I’ve argued that Good and Bad is subjective. What is good and bad depend on the society you live in and the faith that you believe in. BUT – I have discovered the error in those ideas. I shouldn’t say error, just lack of solid information.

According to every religious tradition, and even science (see String Theory posting) there is an energy that connects us all together. Christians have their holy spirit or just spirit. Buddhists have their chi, Hindus their Karma, Muslims their should of Allah, and the Egyptians had their KA. Do the research!!! Then science has come up with the “String Theory, and multiple other theories that are very close to being proven. Therefore, we are all connected in a large web of connection. You are connected to every living thing around you, just as they are connected to all living things, etc, etc, till you get this huge orb web of connection. So, if we every living thing on earth is interconnected – Good and bad are real and not subjective at all.

The know the definition of all things, is to know that it isn’t its opposite. For example: If a coin is sitting on tails, you know it’s tails because that ‘s what you’ve been told is tails. However, you also know it’s tails because it’s not what heads looks like. Therefore – Heads is not tails and Tails is not heads. In this same way, the definition of Good is not bad, and the Definition of Bad is not good. Another example to make this more solidly in your head: When you were young you knew nothing of good or bad. You picked something up and threw it on the ground. Your parents said that was bad. So, Good = leave thing alone. Bad=pick it up. They are the opposite of each other.

To put it all together: What is bad in our society? To enter in any negativity to the interconnected web will push that negativity into all living things. It’s very similar to dumping feces onto every living thing you come across. That would just reek! No pun intended. This would be the definition of bad. Therefore, if you put positive energy into the interconnected web, you will add positive energy into every living thing. Very much like giving every person, animal, and plant a hug. This would be the definition of good.

So my readers and friends – Do good to all, and we will all beneifit. Thank-you!

String Theory

No doubt you’ve heard something about string theory. In the end it all comes down to strings. The idea of strings always throws people off – I don’t blame them. They are called strings, because mathematically and physics-ly, they are graphed and envisioned to resemble what we would call a string. They are made up of complete and utter energy.

The main idea is that how a string vibrates, what shape it is, and how it moves will depend on what type of Atom it becomes. With this specif vibration, these strings give off energy and movement, thereby affecting other strings and atoms in their path. No matter what, there are millions and billions of atoms that are around us every single second, of every single minute, of every single hour of our existence. So if the Atoms are vibrating according to their strings, we will feel it. This theory has been seen to connect all of the big theories of physics, and show the connectedness of everything. In order to prove it fully, the super colliders in places like CERN have to find specific particles. If these particles exist, the strings exist.

Where are these hyperactive strings? In the nucleus of Atoms, of course. In the protons there are quark. In the quarks, there are particles. The names of these particles are so numerous – we can’t list them all and most only have numerical identifiers. In side the particles, the strings are there hanging out and giving orders. So - physics has proven that the new agers theory of energy, might not be all that crazy. Feel the energy, and live the energy!

Help is not safe

When did we get to the point where the helping of people is too scary, or just plain not safe. When did we get so paranoid and fearful of our fellow human being?

2 cases in point.

1) I was driving down the road and there was a gentleman who was having quite a struggle getting from point A to point B, where ever point A and B were. I thought that he would like some help getting to point B and I asked if he would like a ride. He told me that he "would never get into a car with me". Even though I walked up to him with a smile, and my hand outstretched to shake his hand, he still did not trust me. He walked away mumbling something about me being a crazy person. All because I wanted to the help the old man out.

2) I saw a woman, her two kids, and a smaller little one in a stroller walking down the street. Not only did it look like she had her hands full with all the little children, it was raining. I live in Florida, so when it rains it can rain a full 1 inch with in 10 minutes. I pulled over and offered her a ride. As soon as I walked up she called somebody and looked very scared. I explained multiple times I wanted to help her kids, if nothing else, but she refused. I told her that she could stay on the phone with whomever she called, and she could hold my entire wallet with about $100 in it. With all this assurance, she still said no.

I told her I understood but what about the kids. I was really worried about them.

The most important thing was that her kids, especially the little one, was out of the hooreendous downpour. Now keep in mind, I was standing in the rain getting soaked as well during this whole crazy conversation. She said she appreciated the offer, but she just couldn’t. I watched her shuffle her offspring down the road and set an example for all three of them.

Have we got to the point int his society where we just can’t trust anyone? Is it really that unsafe, or is it just very advertised that it’s unsafe. Remember, the more scared we are the more we believe we need someone to look over us. Also remember, the more violence and negaticvity that is on the news, the more ratings the news will have. The American people like to watch misery! I challenge everyone who reads this, to research how dangerous it truly is in your neck of the woods. Do we really need to safeguard ourselves as much as they say, or are we betting our entire social lives on “What if…”?

Thoughts on leanring and getting more thoughts

While you’re in high-school you are given what I’ve always called a shotgun education. This is an education where you sit while teachers fire huge amounts of information at you. When the bell rings you are vomited out into the halls, and then you’re inundated with a fire hose more of information. Not only information from friends on who like whom, or what they’re doing on the weekend, but also an education on how to act in a society or merely how to act in a social environment. Then you graduate and go into college, and again you’re in a complete learning environment. It’s almost as if being in college, or even just living around a college will promote learning exponetionly. Is it because everyone around is focused on learning; therefore, you can’t help but learn something. For example, when I was in college my buddies and I were bored so we decided to attach our beds outside, and create a way to get off the 4th floor without having to use the stairs or get our of bed. After many hours of trial and error, really bad math, and a lot of alcohol (to make sure if it all went bad it wouldn’t hurt when it hit the ground) we created an advance dumb-waiter system that allowed us to get the bed out, and take it down solely on the power of the amount of weight in the bed. Of course the weight was created by books that we would pick up at the bottom after having thrown them out. This type of inventionesque attitude and creativity just doesn’t exist outside of school, and there is no way to find the information that we used to accomplish this outside of the school environment. So the questions is: How do you get the cutting edge info of the world when you’re not in school?

News? No, they’re telling you about who’s being killed and who has paid to be on there. Remember, news is based on ratings not information.

The net? Sounds good, except that in order to find “good” info, you have to spend a lot fo time deciphering what is good or what isn’t. And you have to also stop yourself from watching the videos that populate the web these days.

The place to find the most cutting edge, right now info on millions of different thing s is

Ted is a invitation only 3 day meeting of the most intelligent and innovative people in the world right now. All of the latest, biggest, and grandest inventions that have hit our society have been introduced on Ted, and now after 30m years we have the ability to watch these presentations.

To give you a few examples of what has been presented there: This was the place where Bill made is monumental promise to have “a computer on every desk in America”. It’s the first place that Al Gore presented an Inconvenient truth. It’s also the first place that apple showed off their unique and innovative IPod device that has revolutionized the music industry. These things were introduced in their ingfancy,3 -5 years before they were ever introduced to the world.

A few examples of what is now on: Technology that has enabled us to make robots that walk on wals, and walk on the ceiling. That’s right, it’s out there. A system that allows a quadriplegic to make music with his mere head movements, and body actions. The new monitors that are not only touch and moveable, but also anticipate what you’re going to be doing and does it for you- very much like the T9 function of the cell phone. The amount of information out there is phenomenal!

Rich and rich state of mind

I was fumbling through some books today and came upon a book - Rich Dad Poor Dad. Any person who is making money, yes that would 99% of you because you have the ability to buy a computer. If you're not working now, you worked at one time and are now reaping the benefits. Anyhow, this is definitely a great book to at least thumb through. Actually, I would suggest everyone read it. If you thumb through it, you very well might not get the idea. It's a thought of thoughts ont he beauty of how to make money, and how to handle your money.

If you're not into the "book thing" here's the web site:
- If you're able to go to one of the seminars, I'd strongly recomend it!!!

Go enjoy the money you make!