Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Great Educational Tool!!!!!!

What is plagiarism. You hear about it all the time. You can't write anything without hearing about plagiarism at least once. How do you teach a child about plagiarism? How do you tell them what is and is not plagiarism? How do you explain to that that plagiarism is wrong, but some types of copying is ok.

In today;s day and age where a mere copied file, cut and paste picture, or a various number of illegal actions are done as normal family time on the computer. This flash tutorial is a great way of showing everyone and anyone what plagiarism is, isn't, and what could an could not be construed to be plagiarism. I strongly recommend this site to anyone who is home schooling, teaching, or even just trying to explain to someone what is this plagiarism thing.

Did i just plagiarizer?

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