Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to raise a baby...Guess!

I hear new parents complain that they don't know what to do. They look at this slug and wonder, what the hell am I suppose to do with that. They don't know how to handle no sleep, they don't know how to handle a bottle, formula, bouncy chairs, strollers, diapers, diaper bags, or any thing.

Then there are these fantastic doctors and stay at home moms and all sorts of people who think they have cracked the code, cracked the world around them...then they write a book or create an article in a magazine, or the real go getters create an entire magazines. (Parenting anyone?) Now if a new parent had to decide whether they were going to read some fantastic article on how to solve all of their problems, or sleep......sleep is going to win out whether they like it or not.

So what's the answer? Well, the old woman in the shoe couldn't feed her kids so she just smacked them around and sent them to bed. We still read this monstrous tale to the kids, so why not?

Seriously....What ever you think is right, is right! Trust me, everyone will let you know their opinion of whatever you do with your child. EVERYONE!!!

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