Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl help?

The great and awesome Super Bowl. How odd and interesting it is that to buy an advertising on the super bowl it cost $3 million, let me write that out for you:

$3,000,000. 30 seconds!


Click this link to see what 1 million dots look like. (You have to scroll to the right forever to see it!) Can you even comprehend 3 million?

But what does 3 million 1 dollar bills look like? This link gives you an idea of what it would look like. (I DO NOT SUGGEST ANY OF THESE IDEAS, JUST LOOK AT THE SIZE!!!!)

With all this money spent on commercials, and the amount of people guaranteed to see it, the companies could have either put on a display that would garnish them a profit OR Put on a display that just might change the world in which we live. A display that might show millions of viewsers that there can be a better world if we so choose there to be. A view of happiness, selflessness, and charity.

We are greeted with horses running and jumping, and one earthling punching another.

Koala - Earthling
Person - Earthling

And we wonder why our world is in the shape that it is in.

BE the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi

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