2 cases in point.
1) I was driving down the road and there was a gentleman who was having quite a struggle getting from point A to point B, where ever point A and B were. I thought that he would like some help getting to point B and I asked if he would like a ride. He told me that he "would never get into a car with me". Even though I walked up to him with a smile, and my hand outstretched to shake his hand, he still did not trust me. He walked away mumbling something about me being a crazy person. All because I wanted to the help the old man out.
2) I saw a woman, her two kids, and a smaller little one in a stroller walking down the street. Not only did it look like she had her hands full with all the little children, it was raining. I live in Florida, so when it rains it can rain a full 1 inch with in 10 minutes. I pulled over and offered her a ride. As soon as I walked up she called somebody and looked very scared. I explained multiple times I wanted to help her kids, if nothing else, but she refused. I told her that she could stay on the phone with whomever she called, and she could hold my entire wallet with about $100 in it. With all this assurance, she still said no.
I told her I understood but what about the kids. I was really worried about them.
The most important thing was that her kids, especially the little one, was out of the hooreendous downpour. Now keep in mind, I was standing in the rain getting soaked as well during this whole crazy conversation. She said she appreciated the offer, but she just couldn’t. I watched her shuffle her offspring down the road and set an example for all three of them.
Have we got to the point int his society where we just can’t trust anyone? Is it really that unsafe, or is it just very advertised that it’s unsafe. Remember, the more scared we are the more we believe we need someone to look over us. Also remember, the more violence and negaticvity that is on the news, the more ratings the news will have. The American people like to watch misery! I challenge everyone who reads this, to research how dangerous it truly is in your neck of the woods. Do we really need to safeguard ourselves as much as they say, or are we betting our entire social lives on “What if…”?
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