Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gandhiji's death - Good or Bad part I (interconnected)

Gandhiji helped get the Sikhs and the Muslims to sign a peace pact; since they were both refugees in India. After a 7 day long fast at 78 years old, constant public prayer meetings, and constantly asking for the fighting to stop; the two groups came toa n agreement.

Many saw Gandhiji as a Muslim sympathizer. They tried to kill him a number of times. Gandhiji's comment toward a bomb that was thrown into the prayer tent, and out the other side, was that "Death is our true friend. It is ignorance that makes us suffer." He had also previously stated that "Death very well might allow us to live again." Death to Gandhiji was not the sad time that we westerners make it out to be. Death is a time to allow the spirit out of its mortal cage. Gandhiji stated that the spirit is connected to the energy that connects us all. In addition he was a believer in Transcendetalism.

Transcendetalism is the 19th century belief othat through Nature we get closer to God. Ralph Waldo Emmerson, the first person to write about Transcendetalism Under Emerson's tutelidghe, Henry David Thoreau wrote the so-called "Bible" of Transcendetalism named WALDEN. The other aspect of the belief that Gandhiji understood and enjoyed, was the mere belief that every living creature was innerconnected. Gandhiji demonstrated, modeled, and showed the world that we should care about everyone equally. Additionally, there is the view that we are all connected by am energy that emits and connects all living things.

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