Monday, August 10, 2009

TRW 1st post

OK folks, well here we go. We're traveling the country and hell why not. Chad has allowed me to write to you guys and I'm glad he did. He's a good fellow, and a good writer. Me? Well, I'm just a good bullshiter I guess.

A little bit about the trip - Me and The Kid will head out of the ranch here and head on up north. Final destination seems to be the Rocky Mountains. We're off on a journey, let me correct that, I'm off on a journey of self discovery and, correction of my life path. As for The Kid, well he's not writing this post so I don't know what the hell he's doing. I guess I'll ask him.

He says that he's here because I'm here. See, this si why I don't ask him in depth questions like that. I want to see the US for what it is, and what it isn't. I want to see if my old thoughts and ideas still hold true to the realities of my past, and if my old thoughts are still mine. Maybe I have seen another world and another version of life since I've come back to the States, who knows. That remains to be seen. Maybe this is just a shit hole like I left it, and my entire trip will lead me to the realities I already know. To quote Writer Jackson: We are traveling to see the person we are and already are, we must just be reminded." Well, maybe he's right.

So we go through GA, TN, a little bit of KY, scoot on over to the IL and then truck on into the MO. After all of that, we cross the good old MO into KS, and traverse KS to the great state of CO. After we hit CO, we're Mountain bound.

Well that's the trip, and we're heading out. Should take about 2 days full driving. What's waiting for us? Who the hell knows....

It's not the destination it's the adventure along the way.

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