Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Artic Ice almost gone in the Summer!!!!

There is a way to traverse the top of thew world now

For years discoverers such as Capt Cook and many many others, trudged through Ice and snow, risked their lives to find a way through the Northern Arctic circle. Ladies And Gentleman, the ice has receded so much that there now is that boat way.

It is actually possible to boat your way, albeit cold and rotten with bits and pieces of sea ice here and there, but you can now do it. it use to take days and weeks of blasting through Ice to do that, and now it's just a simple power boat excersise.

I can't give you the pictures here because they are not mine.

I urge you......look at these pictures on this natl government web site:


We are in a series climate shift, and only recycling and stopping our stupid spending destructive wasteful ways will stop it. We must know that we are hurting our own home. BEWARE.....this isn't good!

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