Find 2 long boards to began the bookshelf build. Preferably, these would be 2 2 X 6 pieces. Find the longest ones you can for a good book shelf. Get a hold of a few cinder blocks; the ones with the 2 holes in it are the best for a bookshelf. When these are stood upright, they are the exact size of some of the larger books you will have in your book shelf.
Place two of the cinderblock upright the length of the boards. Place two more cinder blocks directly; I stress that, directly above the cinderblocks. These top two blocks will put enough pressure to keep the whole structure surprisingly sturdy. Place the second board atop the top cinder blocks. There’s your books case.
Build this close to the wall, and you’ll be set. There’s a place for stuff on the ground below the 1st board. This is the best place for books to cover up the ground part, so it looks like it’s a bookcase that has an actual floor. The next level can be books as well if you’d like. Finally, the top of the book case is sturdy enough to pile clothes on, put a stereo, a laptop or smaller computer, or just toss some knick knacks on it.
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