Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gilligan's Island

Gilligan's Island is one of those great shows of the past, that can be watched again and again and again.

Gilligan's Island was created in 1962 and was canceled in 1967. It starred Bob Denver, Alan Hale Jr., Jim Bachus, Natalie Schaffer, Tina Louise, Russel Johnson, and Dawn Wells. Gilligan's Island showcased a a lot fot he 60's talent, as well as some of the no-name talent that went onto becoming a star. The show was based on a group of 7 people of all different classes, intellegence, and socio-economic background trying to survive on an uncharted island. LOST maybe?

Now that you are caught up with what the show is and who was in it, check out this poetry. This is a awesome tribute tot he great show that was Gilligan's Island:


For more info on Gilligan's Island please see:



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