Sunday, April 12, 2009

Crazy scholarships

Crazy Scholarships

Not all of the scholarships that are out there are strict and by the book. There are thousands of scholarships that are a little bit on the weird side.

If you have sworn off meat, and chosen to eat only veggies; the Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship is yours. They have to have promoted vegetarianism in their school. And they could win up to $10,000.

If you were any good in the economics class stock market, the Excellence in Predicting the Future Award is right up your alley. This scholarship is designed to encourage students to pursue economics and take part in the prediction market.

The NCTA Help Santa Find the Perfect Real Christmas Tree scholarship offers $5,000 to $10,000 to anyone between 6 to 16 for the winning a winning essay.

If you can kind of skate, have at least a 2.5 gpa, there’s a $5000 scholarship, and three $1,000 runner-up scholarships. Then you need to check out The Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship

If you create your entire suit and your dates attire for the prom with Duct Tape it could be worth $3000 for you and your date.

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