Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life of Ghandi

When you sit down and think about life and your life, you have to one day look at Ghandi. Most people will look at his sayings and his actions rather than see him as a man. A man who decided to be who he was, not a man who was just born that way. Because it is our decsion, we are our commanders. I believe that is the main point to see out of this great man's life.

Some comments on Ghandi Life....

-playful father
-he could taalk to an entire crowd and you could swear he was talking to you
-he accepted the bullet that killed him - the man needed to do that, and the man allowed him to become the martyr that he needed to be. He also accepted and forgave him as the trigger was being pulled.
-his autobiography - my story of my experiments with truth
- he was part of an arranged marriage, initially he was a jealous and mean and upset husband.
- he deserted his father on his death bed to go have sex. That's when his father died. That was the basis of his dutiful beginning, and he became the son of society.
- became a lawyer....1st case, can't speak and is mortified.
- at 24 he became working on the freedom of the south african black and various other races.
- tried to change the laws. - but laws aren't the truth. Every law he changed, they created another law to beat him.
- he created a commune where everyone could live together as one group of people. Everyone was treeated as equal. Even his family was treated as equal people, just as everyone else.
- He told all women to go against all the new laws in south africa that said that indian women could not be married to an indian man, and all marriages were null and void. He gets all the women walkout and start doing things in the city. Start taking up jobs, and see what they do then. Suddenly, he single handedly emancipated all women. hundredds 100, 000's walked off their job, as a protest to what is going on.
- Ghandi refused to let people say that the english were bad people. He said there are no bad people. The english need to be liberated as muc as we need to be liberated.
-Christ gave me the message, Ghandi gave me the method. - MLK
- quotes by ghandi:

- A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.

- An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.

- An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

In the end we are of everything , and we are all together.

"I am he, as you are we,
and we are altogether" - beatles

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