Wednesday, April 1, 2009

deadly scents on the loose

There is a population that exists among us that is almost not even looked at. In a world full of people that find it necessary to change their normal scent, there are some that look at this craze and fear for their life. The TV commercials are a fright-fest of brain washing, focus group tested, consumer mind control, and a guarantee for what this small, scared, helpless, group of our society will run into on a daily basis.

You need Axe to get a girl. Try body wash, after shave, lotion, shampoo, conditioner with all of your scent.

Bath and body works has tasty scents.

Glade tells you that you need a pump that sprays scents in the air.

Candle companies are telling you that they will help everything.

Then the evil spray companies that they have no connected to you dying, if you don’t use them.


The people who can not breathe. The people who gasp for breath on a daily basis. Many have no care for this group, because they have done it to themselves, or that is the general belief. 80% of the people with lung problems did not smoke. In fact, most of the pulmonary problems are inherited. Asthma, tuberculosis, lower copd, emphysema, and alph one anti-tripson deficiency disease. Most of my family had this last disease, Alpha-one. If they have the most common type they begin weezing around 28. Right around the 30 year mark, the breathing is acting funny. Soon they will be given an inhaler. At 31, they are having a lot of problems, and they have spoken to every doctor about what’s going on. At 38-40, they are on tons of pills. There’s talk of Oxygen, just to help, and they no longer work. Around 45 they are on a very high number of liters per minute, around a 5 or 6, and they are having frequent attacks. Sometime around 48-51 they will die. It’s gruesome, but that’s life.

All of these people have an aversion to scents. It shocks the little grape like structure called alveoli and they stop producing and breathing. Once they start to work again, they’ve loss a lot of muscle and energy to be able to do it to the correct level. They’re in the middle of an attack. Depending on how much scar tissue in the lungs, this can kill the person or drop them for the next day or so. When they shoot the rescue inhaler, they are zapped even more with an inability to breathe. – pretty gruesome!!

This is what happens to each one of these people. Every time there is someone with too much perfume and scents, we are gasping for breath, and wishing they come out of it.

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