Monday, March 30, 2009

What are the Right charities, and not scams.

Many people in a recession or in this pre-depression era are looking for more and more money. This is not a surprise to anyone. Get onto any blog or a website about our world, and you'll see the economy is on everyone's head. It's not that surprising, since money and pay seems to be the big topic of the world. Why money shouldn't be such an important topic of another piece of work on this blog, so we won't get into that right now. If yuou are neading some help, many of these charities will help you, and hopefully get you back on your feet.
However, some people would like to give some money back. When you have very little money, that's especially the time to start giving it away. The more you act the act of giving moeny, the more that will be given to you. It's a truth that has been propegated and used for centuries; and IT WORKS!!!
What are the right charities
Not Scams!!!!!

This is a very good question, and one that I asked myself earlier this month. Here are a few websites that will help you with this decision:

1) The Charrity Guide is both an outside of the net run site, as well as an users comments sites. The site reviews all the charities and it also allowes users to make comments about what happened with their interactions witht he charities. They also list a large number of charities, their purpose, links to the these charities, as well as a blurb as to what they have done in the past. Because remeber, as the site states: "Not all charities are managed well. Charity ratings from Charity Watchdog groups can help you tell the difference between good charities and bad charities." In this essesnce, they will also allow you to donate from their site.
Strongly recomended!!!!


This is an article that is listed on about the charirties that are out there, and what donating to a charity can do for you. This is a money centralized article. The main point of the article is to make sure you aren't throwing your money away by donating to the wrong charity. With those items said, this site has a nice comprehensive list of "good" charities.
Worth a look.

3) The charity Navigator bills themselves as "America's premier independent charity evaluator". The Charity navigator looks intot he business aspects of the charity. They will list how much was given to specific locations and activities. This tool allows you to know exactly whewre your money is going, and will tell you where your money will be most useful.
Good look at many charities!

4) Good Charities allowes you to link to other charities, as well as many other links. It also allowes you to read a blurb about many of the things that the charities do. A gfood tool, and a nice site to use to check the other sites.
Check it out, definetly!

In the end, always remeber - Charities are to help others! What do you think?

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